KICにおける生成AI活用ガイドラインの紹介 - 新たな知識の可能性への一歩
より良い社会、未来をつくるためにKICができること -デジタルパンフレットのご案内-


WANNOUS Muhammad Ph.D. 研究室

Let us empower you.


My laboratory is called ∞-lab. It accommodates students who are working on solutions to a wide range of issues by utilizing a wide range of technologies. In ∞-lab, students can opt to work on the topics they select for themselves or to pick an existing topic and continue working on it. ∞-lab currently is involved in a number of external projects covering disaster management and e-agriculture. Java is the preferred programming language and Cloud Computing is the first choice for deploying the prototypes and solutions at ∞-lab.



Current students at ∞-lab, work on the following topics: •Utilization of Cloud Computing environment in education. This projects aims to construct new educational platforms in the Cloud environment and make them available for educational institutions.

•Early warning systems. This project aims to present tools for enhancing the public participation in preventing conflicts and for alarming decision makers when necessary.

•E-agriculture. This project aims to utilize services available in the Cloud to provide support to young farmers. The services will enable framers to get the support faster and find necessary information easier.

•E-health. This project aims to provide logistic solutions to the issues found in the health systems in developing countries such as sample transportation and information registry.

•E-commerce. This project aims to suggest solutions for the problems preventing the spread of online shopping in developing countries. Such problems can’t be solved by ways adopted in advanced countries for different reasons.


In ∞-lab we carry out seminars once or twice a week where we discuss the advancements in the research work, solve the problems we face, and study about new technologies to use for our solutions-systems. The student will do the main work, but he/she will get comments and help with the problems from the whole team of the laboratory.




Mohammad Nazim Kabiri


I have been working as an assistant lecturer at one of the public universities in Kabul, Afghanistan. It was my dream to do my master study in a well-developed country where I could learn not only at the university but also from the environment and society. Fortunately, my dream changed to reality when I came to Japan, the land of technology, through JICA’s PEACE Program in 2015. I selected Kobe Institute of Computing (KIC) as my favorite university because it is focusing on Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) which I was looking for. Based on my research interest in the use of ICT in education, I conducted a research on the utilization and evaluation of cloud computing for e-learning in Afghan Higher Education under the supervision of Dr. Muhammad Wannous in Infinity (∞) Lab. The Lab is equipped with state of the art facilities and it provides a professional environment for its students to try new technologies, work together and learn from the experience of each other. It mainly focuses on the use of Cloud Computing, Web and Mobile Technologies in various fields, especially education.

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