KICにおける生成AI活用ガイドラインの紹介 - 新たな知識の可能性への一歩
より良い社会、未来をつくるためにKICができること -デジタルパンフレットのご案内-


Samiullah Paracha assistant professor Lab

Development through Dialogue, Design & Dissemination


ICT4D is an engineering lab that offers innovative ICT solutions to development challenges in the world. It considers the productive use of ICT as a vital input to addressing challenging issues of poverty, illiteracy, disease and natural calamities in the world. Driven by two main philosophies, ‘Tankyu Practice’ and Active Learning-based teaching, ICT4D Lab provides the skills, knowledge and attitudes to effectively deploy ICT project for long-term sustainability. The lab sessions are comprised of lectures,discussions, and hands-on laboratory modules. Topics of interest to this track include, but are not limited to e-Learning, ICT in healthcare and disaster risk management. Students work in multidisciplinary teams on their projects, closely collaborating with local community partners, field practitioners, and experts in relevant fields.


Main research themes to this track include, but are not limited to the effective use of ICT in education, healthcare, social welfare and disaster risk


I hear and I forget
I see and I remember
I do and I understand (Confucius 551‒479 BC)
ICT4D Lab believes in learning by doing, as such‘ Tankyu Practice’ and‘ Active Learning-based teaching’ models are compatible with its research and teaching practices. Tankyu Practice is an inquisitive approach to interrogative inquiry, developed by Prof. Toshiki Sumitani, and can be justified on the following grounds: (i) students identify social issues in developing countries; (ii) build possible ICT solutions; (iii) verify them from three perspectives; and (iv) make presentations in group work settings. Whereas, Active-Learning-based Teaching Model, developed by Hazzan et al., (2011), offers students the tasks that inculcate higher-order thinking, such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. The suitability of this approach can be justified on the following grounds: (i) Hands-on learning; (ii) Pacing; (iii) Bridging gaps; (iv) High-order thinking tasks; (v) Kinesthetic echniques; and (iii) Reflection.



  • 高原 敏竜


私はJICAの国際協力事業に長年従事した経験から、発展途上国の開発をICTによってもっと充実させることができればいいなと感じていました。この考え方が「ICT4D※」で、ICT4Dのエキスパートを育成するコースを持つ学校が神戸にあると知って驚きました。というのも、これまではICT4Dを学ぼうと思ったら欧米へ行かなければならなかったからです。ま た、ICTの技術を習得するのにもKICはベストの学校で、入学後は日本や母国パキスタンでICTによる教育関係業務の実績のあったパラチャ先生のゼミを選びました。

  • お問合わせ
  • 資料請求


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