210619 緊急事態宣言解除にあたっての学長メッセージ(PDF)
2021年6月19日 学長 炭谷 俊樹
Dear Students of KIC
The state of emergency is lifted on June 20 (Sunday), and the area is
under the priority measures to prevent the spread of the disease from
June 21 (Monday) to July 11 (Sunday). Although the number of newly
infected patients in Hyogo Prefecture and the entire Kansai region has
decreased significantly, there is still a long way to go before the
end of the infection due to the threat of mutated strain.
We will announce our response to the lifting of the state of emergency
separately, but we will continue to work diligently to bring the
corona outbreak under control.
I would like to ask all students to remain vigilant in your efforts to
prevent your own infections, and to cooperate with our university’s
measures to prevent the reemergence of infection.
June 19, 2021 President Sumitani, Toshiki
210619 Message form President Sumitani on the lift of the state of emergency(PDF)