FMわいわいのラジオ番組「KOBE BRIDGING JAPAN & AFRICA」はKICが現在ルワンダで展開中の若手ICT人材育成事業の紹介番組です。本事業のプロジェクトマネジャである船山静夏KIC職員と、同じくKIC教授のセンダ先生(コンゴ民主共和国出身 京都大学大学院卒 建築家)がパーソナリティを務めます。2019年春まで続く予定のルワンダでのICT人材育成事業の状況をリアルタイムに近い状態でお伝えしていくとともに、KICで学ぶアフリカからの留学生を毎回ゲストに招き、普段の研究活動、出身国の文化や日本に来ての驚きや感想なども語って頂きます。
【毎月 第1・第2土曜日】
16:00~16:30(日本語) 16:30~17:00(英語)
The radio program ‘’KOBE BRIDGING JAPAN & AFRICA’’ has been introducing JICA’s grassroots project called “ICT human resources development in Kigali, Rwanda” implemented by KIC. Shizuka Funayama, the project manager at KIC, and Lukumwena Nsenda from Democratic Republic of Congo, who graduated from Kyoto University and currently works as a KIC professor and an architect, act as radio hosts. This radio program keeps the listeners updated about the grassroots project that will last till the spring of 2019. At each show, you can also enjoy listening to interesting experiences in Japan shared by KIC students from Africa who join the radio hosts.
Broadcasting schedule is as follows. It’s available in English as well.
1st and 2nd Saturdays of every month:
16:00~16:30 (in Japanese), 16:30~17:00 (in English)
This program has started since July this year. You can check the broadcasts of the past from the website below.
Next broadcasting is tomorrow. Please check it out!