神戸情報大学院大学(KIC)では、ケニア、ルワンダ、タンザニア、ボツワナの4カ国大使をお迎えし、下記の通りシンポジウムを開催する運びとなりました。(大阪女学院大学リチャード・ミラーRichard Miller教授との共催・使用言語:英語)
Title of the event: PEACE AS A GLOBAL LANGUAGE (PGL) Commerce,Communication, Culture (CCC) Conference and Exhibition on Cooperation in International Peace Building, ICT and Education in Kobe
Date: Thursday, 11th November 2021
Time: 15:00pm – 17:00 pm
Venue: KIC building, 4th Floor 2-1-15, Kano-cho, Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo
※about 10 minutes walk from both JR Sannomiya station and JR Shin-kobe station
※Participation in the real venue will be limited to 20 people.
Online: Online attendance is also available through Zoom ※Zoom link will be sent later after you apply.
Special guests:
The ambassador to Japan of the Republic of Rwanda, His Excellency Ernest Rwamucyo.
The ambassador to Japan of the Republic of Kenya, Ms. TabuIrina.
The ambassador of the Democratic Republic of Tanzania, His Excellency John Fisher Kambona.
The ambassador of the Republic of Botswana to Japan, Maj.Gen. Gotsileene Morake
Language: English
Application Form:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeTZnr2_MPSj6LTK4JpMVDwO9a3iKV6JABhDM74TmbgNYW_qw/viewform