KIC and JICA will see you as KIC alumni in Kenya and Rwanda between the 19th to 23rd of June in person and get more details and see your current activity as “Navigator”.
I hope you follow the mail written by JICA and cooperate with us!
See you in Kenya and Rwanda!!
Dear All,
Konnichiwa from JICA Kansai!!
Hope all of you are well.
This mail is sent to all ex-ABE Initiative participants who are from Rwanda or Kenya and graduated the university in Kansai area, Japan.
I am writing this to ask your cooperation to ”Follow-up Survey for ABE Initiative Graduates”.
Now, more and more attentions from private companies in Kansai to ABE Initiative are increasing.
As you know, ABE Initiative participants are expected to be an “Navigator” between Japan and African countries even after returning to relative home countries. Japanese Companies in Kansai see that ABE Initiative participants with experience of studying and working in Japan would be an important person or partner for their own business. )
This survey aims to review outcomes of the ABE Initiative mainly focused on Internship and to obtain lessons for further improvement from ex-participants especially graduated in Kansai area.
It has 55 questions totally but most of them are multiple choices, so it takes only 15 minutes.
Your answers and personal information will be protected and used only for inside of JICA and JICA’s counterparts.
Feel free to express your feelings and opinions!
(You might have done the similar questionnaire last year. This time we would like to follow up your career developing especially those who used to stayed in Kansai area, Japan.)
Also, we are planning to visit Kenya and Rwanda between 19th to 23rd June to see you in person and get more details and see your current activity as “Navigator”.
We are asking your available schedule in the end of the survey.
We hope to see many of you soon!
Follow-up Survey for ABE Initiative Graduates
Deadline: 4th June, 2023(GMT)
Should you have any inquiries regarding this survey, feel free to ask us.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Best regards,
JICA Kansai