Innovator Course: Midterm Evaluation Presentation


On Monday, June 6, Kobe Institute of Computing’s Graduate School of Information Technology held a midterm screening presentation event for second year students in the ICT Innovator Course. At said event, 24 foreign students and three Japanese students gave presentations in English.
The midterm screening presentation was a midterm report ahead of the final presentation of their research results in August.

Get an idea of the atmosphere at the event from the explanations provided by some of the students.

Mr. Gaone Lekhane, an exchange student from the Republic of Botswana, chose the theme “Application Software for Collecting Animal Eye-Witness Reports and Encouraging More Attention from Drivers”. He is developing application software that encourages drivers to pay more attention based on eye-witness reports of animals in order to tackle traffic accidents where animals collide with cars.

Mr. Gaone Lekhane explaining about traffic accidents caused by animals

Ms. Miki Yoshida chose the research theme “The Power of Art in Helping Refugees ~Sending Out the Artistic Works of Women that Live in the Rohingya Refugees Camp to the World~” and focused on the Rohingya refugee camp. She chose the issues of lack of self-esteem, knowledge, education, and especially the lack of opportunity to get an income that affect local women. She is using NFT technology to work on a system where women can sell their art and crafts.

Ms. Miki Yoshida explaining about the power of art in helping refugees

Mr. Akito Ashida, who was posted to Vanuatu as part of JICA’s Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers, is developing a smartphone app for a small-scale C to C job matching platform designed to solve the problem of limited work opportunities in the Vanuatu labor market.

Mr. Akito Ashida explaining about the structure of the comprehensive labor market in Vanuatu

Mele Pikivai Filial, an exchange student from the Kingdom of Tonga, focused on lifestyle-related illnesses, which are a social problem in Tonga.She is developing application software that offers services for the prevention of said illnesses.

Ms. Mele Pikivai Filiai explaining about lifestyle-related illnesses in the Kingdom of Tonga

In his concluding remarks, president Sumitani encouraged the students saying:
“You may be at different stages of progress now, but testing will be key in the next stage. Determining where the value of your research lies will go a long way to improving its quality. Just as the paper I wrote 40 years ago can be viewed online, your masters theses will also remain after you have completed them, so please do your best right until the end so you are left with no regrets.”

The students received abundant advice from faculty and classmates at the presentation.
The students will consult their thesis advisors based on the advice they have received and brush up their research content in view of the final presentation.