An important part of preparing students to go out and take on challenges in the world is to give them a solid foundation of practical experience. The following subjects are designed to help students identify and respond to real-world problems using ICT.
They will participate in activities to help develop professional skills such as team work, delivering presentations and communication.
This course will cover the concept and process of “Tankyu Practice”, which is the basis of the whole ICT Innovator program. Students will identify social issues in developing countries, build possible solutions, verify them from three perspectives, and make presentations on the solution ideas in group work settings.
Research activities
This subject is taught through research
activities of the student's choosing. The topic selected during this course will be continued
in the 2nd year in “Specific Theme Study B”.
Improvement of basic academic and IT skills
This subject is
taught in a participatory style in small groups, with tailored, individual guidance, to balance
the effect of classroom lectures which tend to be taught in a one-way manner.
Improvement of human skills
In addition to academic skills,
various human skills required by society, like communication, common sense behavior, proper
word usage, presentations and writing will be improved.
Acquire Tankyu practice skills
Using the Tankyu practice framework
and based on learning in Specific Theme Study A, students work on their research project to
design and implement the proposed system. Finally, the result is summarized as Master’s thesis
and is presented in the final presentation.
Acquire advanced professional skills
This course is taught
in a participatory style in small groups, with tailored, individualized guidance, to balance
the effect of classroom lectures which tend to be taught in a one-way manner.
Improvement of human skills
Continued from “Specific Theme
Study A”, various human skills required by the society, like communication, common sense behavior,
proper word usage, presentations and writing will be improved.