The following subjects are designed to immerse students in the practical aspects of ICT, through a range of hands-on tasks, experiments and case studies. They include technical projects, as well as group discussions and problem solving.
This course is problem-driven. It introduces a whole project that contains a number of close-to-real-world functions to develop. It is intended to demonstrate the methods and technologies that could be applied to arrive at a proper solution. Students will be able to use the experiences/skills they have acquired, especially those related to programming, web-technologies, and the Cloud Computing environment.
Acquire a practical ability of the knowledge and techniques in "Information System Architectures" by practicing through playing the rolls of the acquirer and supplier. Each member belongs to a team, and the teams will play the rolls of acquirer and supplier in the class.
In this course the students expeience the technologies for constructing and operating computer network and communication functionalities in programming. The aim is to gain an understanding and knowledge of internet technologies. The course consists of workshops along with IP technologies on routers that are the essential technology of the internet. Also, students will experience how to employ communication functions on the internet in their programming, such as Socket and HTTP.
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The objective of the course is to gain professional abilities to create, implement, monitor, and evaluate viable and appropriate e-Governance and other ICTD project/programme by becoming familiar with real life cases of e-Governance projects in developing countries. The course will be “hands-on” and will be conducted as a “practicum” rather than series of lectures. Students are expected to fully participate in the discussions and other interactions which will occur during the course.
The objective of the course is to apply what you know and what you have learned so far to a real case. Learning from experience is vital and essential to your skill and attitude development. Students should define user requirements, find opportunities, then develop any ICT solutions, at least with prototype, which solve any issues in the community or enhance opportunities for business creation in rural areas. We use many techniques, including workshops, case studies, design projects, simulation games, and overnight field trips to Kamiyama.