Over two years of study, students engage in the planning & practicing of solutions for current real-world social issues.. This enables them to become a solution provider for social issues utilizing ICT technologies.

Here you can see the actual activities of students and faculty.

Human resources to foster in the ICT Innovator course

We call at KIC a "TANKYU-type person" someone who can discover social issues, and solve them while polishing their own strengths (technology and human power), and we develop such human resources as the following:

  • Someone who can look at society with a new point of view, and is able to transform society with the help of ICT.
  • Human resources who are able to open up BOP businesses.
  • Human resources who are able to actively challenge growing overseas markets.

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Thinking of ways to deal with issues in developing countries – Using ICT to bring education to children around the world

To Senegal as a Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer

I had been interested in foreign countries ever since I had studied visual arts at an arts university. I was constantly thinking about how I could get overseas after graduation. But I was just a young man with no money and no connections. That was when I came across the poster for the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers. Read More

by Toshiro Takahara (Japan), 2015/11/18

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Doing everything I can for my home of Kenya Studying ICT that gives form to issues (Part Two)

With the sea and mountains nearby, Kobe is in a superb location

Kobe, where KIC is, is really in a great location. I also like it because it is cozy and quiet compared to a huge city like Tokyo. KIC is close to Sannomiya, the closest station which is the city center of Kobe middle of town and full of activity with lots of shops and other facilities making it very convenient. Read More

by Mutembei Kariuki (Kenya), 2015/11/18

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Improving the medical waste management system in Kenya (Part One)

Learning from the advanced technology in Japan

This is not the first time I have been to Japan. Three years ago, I was in Tokyo taking part in an internship at a Transport and Logistics company in Waste Management. I was very happy to be able to return to Japan, that I remembered with such fondness. It was after I finished my internship and got back to Kenya that I was able to grasp the situation properly in Kenya. Read More

by Kariuki, Mutembei (Kenya), 2015/11/18

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Common knowledge in Japan is not necessarily the same as that in the rest of the world – Using ICT to bring education to children around the world – (Part One)

Turning an interest in images and pictures into an ICT business

Did you know that different countries use different colors and tones for their news programs? Almost all countries have the basic newscaster with captions running behind them and subtitles down the bottom of the screen, but for example in Africa they use drab colors and white stands out. Read More

by Toshiro Takahara (Japan), 2015/11/18

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I want to be of use to someone in this country. – ICT education that brings happiness – (Part One)

What can we do with ICT?

There are probably a few of you intending to enter the Kobe Institute of Computing that are thinking that you would like to become ICT engineers. But something I have realized after years of working in private enterprise is that even if you have the best engineering abilities, it means nothing if you lose sight of your purpose. Read More

by Professor Mamoru Ito, 2015/11/18