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Sokout, Hamidullah

Assistant Professor
BSc, Computer Science, Kabul University (Kabul)
MSc, Information Systems, Kobe Institute of Computing (Japan)
Ph.D, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Kumamoto (Japan)
Assistant Professor and Vice dean of Faculty of Computer Science, Kabul Polytechnic University
Served as Coach and resource person for UNITAR Program for Afghanistan
Quality assurance and credibility, Committee member (Ministry of Higher Education of Afghanistan
Member of Committee for the evaluation of educational documents outside the border, Ministry of Higher Education, Afghanistan

Data Science has a big impact on the business landscape, which is constantly changing in today's world. As the quantity of human connection with technology increases daily, an unimaginable large mass of fine-grained data is generated on a regular basis. For sure, this data could be useful to analyze existing issues, reveal previously hidden opportunities and predict future insights. In this vein, analytics techniques have made it possible for every industry to reshape the environment to be more effective and consistent. Proper analysis of data can provide insights that can help improve the aims and effectiveness of today's businesses.
I envisage Kobe Institute of Computing as a key venue for fostering people with not only analytical and technological skills, but with individual expressiveness as well. If you want to build your future and grow both academically, professionally and personally, why not think about joining KIC — a choice worth considering.

Teaching and Learning Analytics
Data Science
Adaptive Learning
Integrative Programming